Could Rising Home Mortgage Interest Rates
Cause Another Housing Crash?
It’s been 10 years since the last housing
crash of 2007, where property values declined for the next 6 years. If you
bought a house between the years 2005 – 2008 I’m sure you remember how quickly your
equity disappeared and how you felt. So, if you are even thinking about selling
your house in the next few years here is some information you might want to
Most people, including news sources,
especially the Daily News, which I used to read back then, real estate agents, and
economists didn’t want to believe, or didn’t want you to believe, that we were
in a housing bubble then and half the country doesn’t believe we’re in one now. Hou
Currently housing prices are near or even
exceeding the pre-2007 housing crash. Every month prices seem to be hitting record
highs while mortgage rates still remain at historic lows. But what happens when
rates start climbing? How does this affect affordability and equity? Check out
the chart below that I put together a couple of months ago.
The following illustration demonstrates what
a mortgage interest rate increase of just 1% can mean for the housing market. Single
family housing statistics for June 2017 in San Fernando Valley showed a median
listing price of $800,000. The illustration uses the same income, 20% down
payment and debt ratios with variable mortgage interest rates.
As you can see higher interest rates directly
affects lower buying power/affordability. Although prices have been climbing overall
sales have been decreasing. A couple of factors are in play here; one is a lack
of inventory and the other is affordability.
In April of 2016 interest rates hovered
around 3.64%. In April 2017 interest rates averaged 4.25% after a Fed rate
increase in March 2017. Rates have been a
bit volatile during the last couple of months even after the Feds slightly
increased rates in June. They have signaled that there will be more increases
this year, perhaps as early as September.
Although the
Great Recession is officially over, according to Pew Research in 2015,
Americans are still 40% poorer today than they were in 2007, the year before
the global financial crisis.

While I’m sure we all wish we had a crystal
ball no one can accurately predict what will happen in the future. There is an
old adage in real estate that says; timing is everything. But not many of us can predict the top of the
market or the bottom of the market.